Columcille – Land of Myth and Mystery

By admin
April 29, 2018
1 min read

Ol’ Cedar Bean’s search for a Curtis G3 Twin 1.5 Gal. Coffee Brewer led him all the way to Columcille Megalith Park ( in Bangor, PA this weekend.

Columcille, an outdoor sanctuary open to the public as a sacred space for quiet meditation reflects a large part of Cedar Bean’s belief that a spectacular cup of coffee is a good conduit for opening lively conversations and sparking creativity.

About an hour from Cedar Grove, this gem of a park, was pointed out to us as “just down the road” by the delightful prior owners of the Curtis Brewer when it was picked up. According to the park’s website, Columcille Megalith Park is a “land of myth and mystery” located in the Appalachian Mountains of eastern Pennsylvania. If you have an afternoon to spare, pack the car and take a day trip to this amazing location with the family.

Every time we brew a fresh pot of Cedar Bean’s Spectacular Coffee in our new brewer, we’ll remember strolling through this park -- deeply rooted in Celtic spirituality and inspired by the Isle of Iona off the coast of Scotland.

We’re thrilled to share our growing story as we continue to get Cedar Bean’s Coffee Joint ready for Cedar Grove and most importantly, YOU.

– Ol Cedar Bean, 04/29/18


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